Thank you, Richard -- we are on the same path!

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Helpfully said, "Fighting for the liberation of those who are oppressed is as important a responsibility of our faith as developing sound personal piety."

In my early (and mid) growth as a disciple I, too, was allergic to Leftist-sounding comments and action. So much so that as I memorized Ps 103, I stopped at "He works righteousness and justice for the oppressed." Lord, have mercy.

It wasn't until I ran across Generous Justice (Keller) and When Helping Hurts (Corbett & Fikkert) that I, though sleep walking along the justice path, became sufficiently 'woke' to God's concerns for the vulnerable to seek a way to do something about it (relief, development, and social reform, a la Keller; relief, rehabilitation, and development, a la Corbett & Fikkert).

But, man, that development/social reform sure is hard work.

R. Price

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