Enjoyed this article very much! A lot to sit with and certainly challenges us. What I have experienced is the difference in how people think Justice looks like. It seems like everyone wants justice but how we achieve it or what justice looks like is what causes the disagreements.

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WOW!!! This is a fantastic post. I'm printing it to tape on the refrigerator.

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Thank you, Ginger!

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lol . . years ago Kent & Mike talked a lot about what influences? That question has stayed with me and has been like a flashing sign during this election cycle. Youtube is such an amazing provider. There's these young(er) people who entered politics as stary eyed young hopefuls, rose to heights they didn't expect with Presidents and now have to find paying jobs. So they start a podcast. And build it into a business. Their whole gig is "what influences?" Today, after last night's Democratic Convention kickoff, they are talking about who did it right last night. AOC. Hilary. Steve Kerr. They REALLY like AOC. "a natural".

And today Ortberg posts Paul's quote about being shipwrecks, stone, etc etc. Paul ran INTO the danger. The first 9/11 responder. Given we are still talking about him, I think we can safely say he knows what influences.

The problem is the church doesn't know how to teach what Paul did. We wouldn't be in this mess with millions of atomic bombs, guns and force worshipped, gender confusion, patriarchy, death culture IF people read Scripture and actually talked face to face with people. The. churches I visit everybody wants to fight about being right. There's this missing link between recognizing Jesus and being able to help others see Jesus. Maybe these NDE stories will help. People who actually experience Jesus get excited and WANT to talk about their experience of Jesus in a way so the other can experience Him.

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Thank you so much, Ginger!

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