May 24Liked by Bishop Todd Hunter

Thank you for this, Bishop Todd! The war for peace, like all other warring, is first fought & won in the spiritual realm, and then negotiated in the physical, material. We must walk in the light, with the light, as a light in the darkness. Our offenses (and defenses) must be subject to the light, seeing the unseen so we can shine.

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

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May 24Liked by Bishop Todd Hunter

Amen! “[Jesus] never let his rightful feelings of being troubled make him fight back on the terms of the world. He modeled peace-ability.” Perhaps the virtue of meekness can fortify us for this kind of posture and work.


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Mario, I appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts!

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This is it: "Simply put, we pursue peacemaking and peace within by becoming disciples of Jesus, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). We apprentice ourselves to Jesus because he not only knows about peace—like a professor knows their subject matter—he experienced peace within social conflict and personal tribulation."

He is our peace despite the troubled world we live in. Thank you so much for sharing.

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