Bishop Todd. Timely use of Gods Word and history to challenge our thinking and desires. Thank you for “unfolding of God’s Word to make wise the simple. Psalm 119:130

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Thank you for your thoughts, Steve!

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Very well said Todd. I see no instance of Jesus asking his disciples to compel the gentiles to stop eating pork. Of all His commandments the greatest is love@

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I appreciate you reading and commenting, Harry!

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Agree. In my corporate career, power was a topic I would discuss in management and leadership training but have never really seen in church discipleship or leadership discussions.

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Despite evangelical’s obsession with sexual sin, like the Pharisees, the log in their eye is the great desire for power over other humans. Each temptation of Jesus was about usurping power. Jesus says follow me but if you don’t, that is your decision. He never once engages in the false power of Rome to compel or force. The US is headed for a Christian Taliban. Texas law that requires a 9 yo call who already has her vagina ripped apart in rape is required to carry a baby to birth that will utterly destroy her uterus, bladder, and GI tract for life, making her sterile in the process. But is she doesn’t, she is eligible for death penalty. God have mercy on us.

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Hi Trisha, people always rationalize power grabs for the good they say the power will do. But in the process of attaining that power, they fall into the Devilish trap Jesus avoided. My vision and invitation for this Substack community is to be like Jesus—gentle and humble of heart—but also, as ambassadors of God's kingdom, persuasive voices of justice and peacemaking for those who are victims of abuses of power.

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