The Incomparable Wisdom of Justice
When we marinate in God's wisdom, something astounding happens.
We will misunderstand justice and practice it ineffectively if we try to do so on the terms of our current social discourse.
Justice-seeking might seem like it starts with an ideology. It does not. True justice does not emerge from a political persuasion. “The Woke Mob” VS “The Anti-Woke” creates an entirely wrong frame of discussion for those who seek to root their identity in the purposes and calling of God for humanity.
Furthermore, justice-seeking might seem like it starts with social needs—the things that are wrong in the world. It does not. Starting with the brokenness forgets to see the God who creates and brings life.
Justice-seeking begins with beings. It begins with God and ends with our neighbor. We begin with God because God intends to heal his creation, including us. We end with the suffering of our neighbors because that is where God’s love propels us. Followers of Jesus are simply the bits in-between. We are the agents of God’s loving care, addressing the needs of the world, because we have first been addressed by God.
That beginning and ending explain the wisdom of justice-seeking.
Lady Wisdom
In Proverbs, Wisdom is personified. Proverbs 8 in The Message shines a spotlight on this literary personification: Do you hear Lady Wisdom calling? Can you hear Madame Insight raising her voice? The Proverb continues, pleading with us to seek God’s wisdom:
Does not wisdom call out?
Does not understanding raise her voice?
Choose my instruction instead of silver,
knowledge rather than choice gold,
for wisdom is more precious than rubies,
and nothing you desire can compare with her.
This passage in Proverbs alerts us to the truth that no pundit or politician giving a hot take on TV or social media can match the wisdom of God. But as the text says, we must choose her. We must listen to her. Determining what is precious to us, what we deem incomparable, is one of life’s crucial decisions.
Cutting Through the Noise
My head starts spinning when I consider the number of justice issues in the world, their variety and complexity, and their seeming insolvability. My mind assaults me: “I don’t know what to think. What are the true facts? Is there a voice with authoritative knowledge I can safely appeal to?” At worst, I am tempted to give up, thinking “I don’t know what to do, and I doubt I can do much of anything anyway!”
When I’ve plopped down in resignation, I have found a reliable hand up. It is a strong hand of clarity that cuts through the noise. It is the wisdom of God. Proverbs 2 says:
[Make] your ear attentive to wisdom
Incline your heart to understanding
Call out for insight
Seek it like silver
Then you will understand righteousness and justice
and equity, every good path.
An Informed Mind Plus Character
Wait—how is it we understand righteousness and justice and equity and every good path? Not from the Left or the Right. Rather, we cultivate a relationship with Lady Wisdom. Righteousness, justice, and equity are relational terms, so we bend our ear to hear her. We incline our heart to her understanding. We call out to her, asking her to speak her insights. We seek her wisdom more than money.
What we get in return is not merely an informed mind, but a transformed character.
The text says that when we marinate in God’s wisdom, then something astounding happens. When we understand an important ethical triad, we receive a well-rounded way to roll in life.
Righteousness: The quality or posture of your heart. It describes what is truly good and ethical. It points to right living, to alignment to God’s purposes.
Justice: The outward embodiment of righteousness. It refers to activities associated with treating everyone fairly, with equity, seeking to repair injustices.
Every Good Path: How and where we roll. It is a lifestyle that regularly leads in the direction of what is morally good. It signifies our way of being in the world.
I don’t know of a single politician or sociologist or philosopher who can give us what we receive from Lady Wisdom.
It is God’s wisdom that tells us that seeking the good of others is not a political position or even a gimmick—it is wisdom. It is a deep, profound understanding about what is most real and important in the world. It is a wisdom that comes from God and leads to being God’s people for the sake of others.
Seek Lady Wisdom and you will understand justice.